Art in Schools & Communities
'Snails, Trails and Food Miles': an interactive and mixed media project for primary and secondary schools, examining the subject of 'food miles'.

Artists for Climate Change at the SCVA

'Snail Trails' a 1 m x 1 m velvet canvas frame, with silver trails made by a team of snails, creating their own map out from the centre.
Norfolk County Council, in collaboration with SCVA, Norwich developed a programme of activities for schools called 'Artists for Climate Change' - namely a directory of artists available to work in school and community settings on the broad theme of climate change. It was awarded the London 2012 Inspire Mark for Sustainability.
The Artists for Climate Change initiative aims to support county carbon reduction targets, and to make sustainable lifestyles seem both achievable and desirable.


“Jess has inspired children and staff with her amazing art ideas, many of
these make great use of recycled materials. Her outside works, especially 3D
sculptures, have added a new dimension to our art work.”
Fiona Chant – Head teacher at John of Gaunt Infant and Nursery School